¿Sabía usted que?
Mientras que muchas personas consideran simplemente el pasto como un recurso solamente estéticamente agradable para el exterior de su casa o negocio, el césped es mucho más que eso! en realidad este, mejora nuestra calidad de vida proporcionando una amplia gama de beneficios ambientales, económicos y de salud humana. Esperamos que el contenido de esta sección le ayude a ver su césped mucho más que un lugar bonito.
Beneficios Ambientales
Pasto Natural, el jardin de su casa… el parque del vecindario… el campo de futbol…. Estas son mucho mas que areas bonitas.
Los paisajes sirven a un propósito muy necesario en nuestras comunidades. Las áreas con árboles, plantas y césped reducen el deslumbramiento, convierten el dióxido de carbono en oxígeno, enfrían el medio ambiente, absorben el escurrimiento urbano y reducen la contaminación acústica hasta en un 50%. Las áreas ajardinadas también albergan la vida silvestre, y proporcionan santuarios para la relajación, la recreación, la contemplación y la recreación. Sin embargo, sin base científica, algunos han estado pidiendo reducir el uso de césped natural. Mereces estar realmente informado con la verdad. Sigue leyendo y descubre realmente las cualidades del césped y de las áreas exteriores verdes.
Secuestra y Almacena Carbono
Los céspedes bien manejados captan y almacenan cuatro veces más carbono del aire que el que produce el motor de las cortadoras de césped de todo el día. De hecho, el almacenamiento de carbono en césped es comparable con la tasa de almacenamiento de carbono en terrenos situados en el Programa de Reserva de Conservación. ¡Un campo de fútbol puede compensar el carbono producido por un automóvil que conduce 3.000 millas! La hierba de césped natural absorbe dióxido de carbono, ozono, fluoruro de hidrógeno y nitrato de peroxiacetilo - el peor grupo de contaminantes atmosféricos.
Produce Oxigeno y reduce Enfermedades ocacionadas por el acarreo del Polvo
El césped es también un productor de oxígeno increíble. Un césped de 50 x 50 pies proporciona suficiente oxígeno para una familia de cuatro personas. Cuando se elimina el césped, aumenta en el aire la cantidad de smog y polvo que transportan las bacterias y virus causantes de enfermedades, este es el resultado también de un número insuficiente de plantas para retener el polvo y atrapar partículas contaminantes.
Dissipates Heat & Cools the Environment
Temperatures around grassy areas are about 25 degrees cooler than around concrete or asphalt. Eight healthy front lawns have the cooling effect of 70 tons of air conditioning.
Recharges and Filters Groundwaterand Capture Nutrients
Landscaped properties reduce storm water runoff reducing demand on public sewer systems and waste water treatment plants. An acre of turfgrass left in open space provides an average of 600,000 gallons of water recharge per year. Turf systems are not only efficient at catching and filtering water, but are also very efficient at holding on to nutrients. Nutrients like phosphorus are fixed onto soil particles or taken up by the plant and they do not leach out readily.
Controls Soil Erosion & Restores Soil Quality
Turfgrass roots penetrate into the soil and hold particles so they are not lost by wind and water erosion. One single grass plant grown under ideal conditions has 387 miles of roots. A high proportion of the world's most fertile soils has been developed under a vegetative cover of grass.
Provides a Safe Playing Surface & Reduces Injuries
Turfgrasses provide a unique, low-cost cushioning effect that reduces injuries to the participants when compared with poorly or nonturfed soils, particularly in the more active contact sports like football, rugby, and soccer.
Diminishes Noise Pollution
Grasses reduce undesirable noise levels by 20-30%.If a grassy turf is planted on a barrier slope facing the noise source, reduction of noise can be as much as 8-10 decibels.”
Minimizes Nuisance Pests
A lawn mowed a 1-2 inches is not a safe home for many small animals and they will seek taller cover.
Preserves Natural Wildlife Habitat
Lawns serve as a source of food for birds.
Serves as a Fire Barrier
Healthy green turf will not sustain fire as dense woody vegetation does, thus a buffer zone of well-maintained turfgrass around a building can also impede the spread of fire.
However, green spaces are more than just “pollution scrubbers.” Social scientists in numerous studies have found that green spaces affect our everyday moods, activities, and emotional health. They improve our quality of life in ways that are often underestimated. Whether we are active in urban nature (planting trees, growing gardens) or passively encounter city green (such as a stroll through a park or even just occasionally looking at greenscapes through a window), researchers have found that we experience personal benefits that affect how we feel and function.
Boosts Human Productivity
A turfed landscape area surrounding a factory or business is an asset in conveying a favorable we care impression to employees and the general public. These employees have been found to have lower levels of perceived job stress.
Creates Jobs and Economic Benefit
There were nearly 100,000 firms in the Landscaping services sector in the U.S. in 2007. Direct employment was 631,511 jobs with a total payroll of 19.13 Billion dollars. Landscape services and design accounted for 54.5 Billion dollars in value added.
Communities receive these and other benefits to the extent that they value and care for landscaped areas. However, too many elected officials don't understand the landscaping industry's critical role in our economy and the many ways that it enhances and protects the quality of life enjoyed by the communities served.
The National Hispanic Landscape Alliance recognizes that our industry has a responsibility to be good stewards of the environment, and to advocate for the promotion of environmentally responsible landscape practices.
The National Hispanic Landscape Alliance closely monitors issues that impact the industry, maintains a legislative consulting firm for assistance with national and state issues, and advocates in collaboration with other industry associations. With and on behalf of its members, the NHLA engages government and elected officials at both federal and state levels in support of industry positions.
The voice of every NHLA member counts! Educating policymakers and regulators on the benefits of environmentally responsible landscape practices is essential to the future of our industry and the NHLA makes it easy for your voice to be heard on state and federal matters that can affect your business and that of your suppliers and contractors, the livelihood of your employees, and the quality of life in the communities where you live and work.